Into Hostile Territory

Speak with Gryphon Commander Urik to secure a ride to Thorson's Post. Report to Duke August Foehammer when you arrive at Thorson's Post in Dragonblight.

You have done much to advance our efforts against the Scourge, <Name>. In fact, the morale of all those who have come into contact with you soars! Such is your influence over the soldiers and citizenry of Wintergarde, ally. And because of you we are now prepared to go on the offensive! You are to report to Duke August Foehammer, across the Carrion Fields at Thorson's Post, east of here. Gryphon Commander Urik at the gryphon station has prepared a special gryphon to drop you behind enemy lines. Go now!



Ah, the distinguished hero arrives. Welcome to ground zero, <Name>. Allow me to bring you up to speed! Thel'zan's most powerful forces have made their way into the Wintergarde Mausoleum. They plumb its depths in search of corpses and souls to send against Wintergarde while Naxxramas rains down terrible Scourge plague machines, set to hold us at bay! We must strike now and hope that Lord Fordragon is able to hold out at the Wrathgate for just a little longer.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3100 experience
  • 25 reputation with Valiance Expedition