A Fall From Grace
Agent Skully at New Hearthglen has asked you to ring the bell in the abbey and then go speak with the high abbot and get information out of him.
1x A Fall from Grace High Abbot Kill Credit Bunny slain
1x A Fall from Grace Bell Rung Kill Credit Bunny slain
We need more information from the high abbot, and now that we have the visage of one of the raven priests, I think we can get you close to talk with him. Unfortunately, we need to separate him from his bodyguards or you'll never get any information out of him. <The agent leans on her shovel and thinks a moment.> I think I've got it! While in disguise, go to the top of the abbey and ring the bell. That should bring the abbot's bodyguards running and you can then head down to speak with him.
Required Level
Recommended Level
You will receive:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 12300 experience
- 250 reputation with The Hand of Vengeance