The Flamebinders' Secrets

Bring 3 Flame-Imbued Talismans to Sergeant Nazgrim at Conquest Hold.

Even as the Alliance cowards attack our positions, the Dragonflayer vrykul outpost of Voldrune, to the southeast, prepares for war. The vrykul are far from the strongest enemy we face here, but we must eliminate them before they can truly threaten us. Their most powerful warriors are permitted to ride half-trained proto-drakes into battle. To control the beasts, their flamebinders create powerful talismans. You'll need to slay them and take the talismans if our plan is to work.



Did you collect those talismans?

With the power of the talismans, the drake has no choice but to obey your commands. The thane's fate is sealed.

You will receive:

5 Gold
60 Silver
15 Gold
56 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 16600 experience
  • 250 reputation with Warsong Offensive
Quest Item Drops