Bringing Down the Iron Thane

Using the abilities of your War Golem, defeat Iron Thane Furyhammer, then return to Tormak the Scarred at Camp Oneqwah.

Now that the golem is fully charged, it can be used against the leader at Dun Argol. When I observed Iron Thane Furyhammer, he was always guarded by a personal golem that shielded him from all harm. That construct called The Anvil, can be disrupted, causing him to drop the shield. Use your golem's EMP ability to do just that. You'll be able to activate and take control of your golem inside Dun Argol. The thane is in the main plant at the top and supervises production from the bottom level.



Please tell me it worked...

So the prospector made good on his promises? Good. I was beginning to wonder if all of this scrounging for bits of metal and stealing building materials would amount to anything. It's a shame he's of no further use to us.


You will also receive:

11 Gold
80 Silver
27 Gold
52 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 26200 experience
  • 350 reputation with The Taunka
The Unexpected 'Guest'From the Ground UpWe Have the Power... Or Maybe We Don'tBringing Down the Iron ThaneAn Intriguing Plan