The End of the Line
Use the Ley Line Focus Control Talisman to gain information from the Ley Line Focus under Lake Indu'le. Then, head east to the Azure Dragonshrine near south central Dragonblight and observe what is occurring there from the western ledge. Afterward, return to the Image of Archmage Modera at Stars' Rest.
1x The End of the Line Ley Line Focus Kill Credit Bunny slain
1x The End of the Line Area Trigger Kill Credit Bunny slain
Within his robes you find two things of interest. One is a talisman, which is clearly a focus controlling device. The other is a set of orders from someone named Sidragos, which were ultimately intended for the leader back at the Moonrest Gardens. The water-soaked parchment informs Goramosh that he is to move all mage hunter forces east to the Azure Dragonshrine. Perhaps you should get what information you can from the focus and head east to observe the dragonshrine from its western ledge.
Required Level
Recommended Level
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
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Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 10150 experience
- 350 reputation with Kirin Tor