Jarl Needs Eyes

Bring 20 Unpopped Darkmist Eyes to "Swamp Eye" Jarl at the Swamplight Manor.

Eye juice is good juice for drinking. Too bad most critters only have two eyes. But spiders have lots of eyes. Lots and lots. And Darkmist eye juice is tasty. Smooth and salty! Unpopped spider eyes... I taste them already. Darkmist spiders are west of here, in the Darkmist Cavern. You figure the spiders are named after the cave... or is it the other way around?



Where are those eyes?

You got the eyes! You got the eyes! Tasty, tasty spider eyes! Some eyes... when you stare at them they stare back. Eat those last. They keep you company... out in the swamp. Hello, little spider eyes. Hello! You taste like chicken. Gooey, salty chicken! Mmmh.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3300 experience
Quest Item Drops