Shaved Ice
Collect 4 Ice Shard Clusters from Ice Elementals in the north and bring them to Zivlix at Nozzlerust Post.
I've never seen you before... are you new to the Vice? Glad to have you. I could always use some more hands. You get the materials, I'll finish my machine, then we can sell it to those commander types and all go home rich. I actually have most of the primary components, so I just need some of the materials for the weapon itself. Narf said that jagged ice shards from those elementals to the north would make perfect shrapnel for my bombs - go nab some, will ya?
Do you have the shards? I'm almost finished with the main refrigeration unit.
Excellent! They're even sharper than I expected them to be. I'll pack them in the snow until the bomb is ready.
Let's see... what next...
You will receive: 5 60 15 56
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 16600 experience
Quest Item Drops