From the Depths of Azjol-Nerub

Explore the Pit of Narjun and return with your findings to Senior Sergeant Juktok at Agmar's Hammer.

The undead Nerubians that attacked Icemist Village came from a gigantic sinkhole known as the Pit of Narjun. If left alone, those fiends will no doubt flank our forces at the Wrathgate and end our march to victory. I need eyes on the ground, <Name>. You are to head west and investigate the Pit of Narjun. We need to locate their primary exit point and seal it off! Find me that location.



That damned sinkhole must be directly connected to Azjol-Nerub. This is worse than I thought. <Juktok pauses to think for a moment.> Seek and destroy... That'll be the next course of action.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 8100 experience
  • 250 reputation with Warsong Offensive