Prevent the Accord

Deliver Wind Trader Mu'fah's Remains and the Scales of Goramosh to the Image of Archmage Aethas Sunreaver at Agmar's Hammer.

We need to kill two birds with one stone here, <Class>. You're the stone. Our two birds are Wind Trader Mu'fah and Goramosh. They should be somewhere in the western half of the Moonrest Gardens. Most likely they're in the larger two-story building overlooking the pit. I require proof of their demise, if you would be so kind.



Have you prevented the accord between the blue dragonflight and the Ethereum?

That's alright, <Class>, just put them down on the ground there in front of Agmar's throne. <The hint of a smile can be seen upon the archmage's image.> Unfortunate that Goramosh indicated the accord had already been reached. Nonetheless, that's two less worms we'll have to worry about. Let us get on to more important business.


You will also receive:

10 Gold
60 Silver
19 Gold
84 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 15400 experience
  • 350 reputation with Kirin Tor
Your Presence is Required at Agmar's HammerRifle the BodiesPrevent the Accord
Quest Item Drops