Return to Verner

Return to Verner Osgood at Lakeshire in Redridge. Give him the Crate of Horseshoes.

Ok, I'll give him his 50 horseshoes... Here they are, all boxed up and ready to go! Tell Verner it was a pleasure doing business, and be sure he reads the note attached to this crate!



Great, you're back! Did you get the shoes?

Thank you, this really helps me out. But what's this? Argus sent a note with the crate...What?? Argus wants me to PAY him? Bah! Well, <Name>, thank you for your help.

You will receive:

5 Silver
9 Silver
20 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 700 experience
  • 75 reputation with Stormwind