Breaking Through

Defeat Prince Valanar and his lieutenants, Vanthryn the Merciless and Luthion the Vile, then report to Chieftain Wintergale at Taunka'le Village.

On the lowest tier of the Temple City, there is a gray altar bathed in light. Step into it to gain entry to the dread necropolis Naxxanar. Be cautious, <Name>. Prince Valanar will certainly be defended by his personal retainers, who will give their lives to keep you from ascending to the top level of the necropolis. You must find your way through the necropolis to the prince's seat. If you fail to defeat him, <Name>, I fear my people will never know the safety Icemist offers.



Have you defeated Prince Valanar?

With the prince defeated, the Scourge presence in Borean Tundra is broken. I have no illusions that they will stay away for long, which is why I must focus on preparing Durm to lead the villagers on their way to Icemist. <The chieftain shakes his head slowly.> For all the disagreements I've had with Durm, I trust his judgment and his abilities. I cannot bring myself to abandon Taunka'le, so I will defend it until I am slain.


You will also receive:

9 Gold
40 Silver
12 Gold
43 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5050 experience
  • 350 reputation with The Taunka