Reinforcements Incoming...

Seek out Shadowstalker Ickoris at the Warsong Farms Outpost west of Warsong Hold.

<Hellscream shakes his head.> You may not have noticed that we're trying to win a war here, <Race>. I need all available soldiers at the primary points of conflict. This means that we don't have any real soldiers to spare for these minor incursions. <Hellscream pauses to think.> If Barthus wants reinforcements at the farm... <Hellscream claps his hands together.> ...he shall have them! Report to Barthus's assassins at the farms, west of here. Let them know that reinforcements have arrived.



This is it? Hellscream sent a single <Race> <boy/girl>? If I still had a jaw it would be on the floor right now.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1000 experience
  • 25 reputation with Warsong Offensive