Draconis Gastritis

Plaguebringer Tillinghast at New Agamand wants you to use Tillinghast's Plagued Meat to attract down a Proto-Drake and observe its reaction to eating the stuff.

Wait, that gives me an idea! What if it didn't kill the whelps because it was sprayed on the outside of their eggs? <Name>, we have to get the plague inside of them! I know! I've got some plagued meat here. Take it to the Ember Clutch and get them to eat it! But no, we're thinking too small. Let's get one of the proto-drakes flying overhead to come down and eat it. Yes! Stay close to the meat and observe what happens. Yes, it might attack you, but such is the price of progress.



Well, out with it! Did our little experiment work? Did the proto-drake like its snack? Did it dissolve from the inside?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! <The plaguebringer begins to cry.> All of my hopes... all of my dreams, ruined! Leave me, <Name>. Leave me to my despair. I'm nothing. Here, you might as well take all of my worldly possessions. When the rest of the apothecaries hear of my failure, I'll be done for and won't need them anyway.


You will also receive:

4 Gold
70 Silver
7 Gold
10 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4000 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Hand of Vengeance