Prisoners of Wyrmskull

Vice Admiral Keller at Valgarde Port in the Howling Fjord wants you to rescue 3 Captured Valgarde Prisoners.

This battle is far from over, <Name>. If our people are still alive inside that village, someone has to go and get 'em. <Vice Admiral Keller nods at you.> Head north and enter Wyrmskull Village. Once there, look for our people. If they are imprisoned you'll need to find a way to break them out. Maybe they'll have some more information about what it is that we're actually fighting.



Put some backbone into it, <Name>! People's lives are at stake here!

Those soldiers you rescued had a good bit of information for us. These monsters call themselves 'vrykul.' The tribe that's taken up residence in Wyrmskull Village is led by a mystic named Yanis who himself is an underling of another vrykul known as Ingvar the Plunderer.

You will receive:

4 Gold
40 Silver
5 Gold
15 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience
  • 250 reputation with Valiance Expedition