Danger! Explosives!

Use Steelring's Foolproof Dynamite to collect 6 Whisper Gulch Ore Fragments and 18 Whisper Gulch Gems. Then return them to Sapper Steelring at Westguard Keep.

<Name>, the captain's tasked me with a mission. I'd like you to help. A bunch of my fellow Explorers' League people went nuts digging up stuff in the Whisper Gulch just to the north. They're attacking anyone trying to get in! The captain is only concerned with the ore for the keep. Lucky for us, I have just the thing to do the trick. Get in there, blow up the ore, and bring it back along with any gems you find. Running this place isn't cheap you know! I gotta warn you though, that ore is strange!



Construction on this place seems to be a never-ending task. I just hope that you're able to get us what we need to continue.

The ore gave you a strange feeling? Maybe we won't use that stuff after all. <Steelring looks at the stuff and takes a step back, changing the subject.> Those gems look really nice! I wonder what I can get for them? Of course, there are always repairs, and new stuff to be made. You know, I've really found working with you to be profitable. Take this... it's the least that I can do!

You will receive:

4 Gold
70 Silver
7 Gold
10 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4000 experience
  • 250 reputation with Explorers' League
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Quest Item Drops