Cleansing Witch Hill

Mordant Grimsby at Swamplight Manor wants you to plant the torch at the end of the dock and defeat anything that appears.

The torch is ready. Plant it at the end of the dock and be prepared to face whatever comes forth. I have no idea what the torch's smoke may reveal... if anything emerges at all. I must say, I have my doubts about this kind of folk magic, but we haven't time for anything else. For your sake and Jarl's, I wish you luck.



Is it over?

It worked? <Mordant clears his throat.> I mean... it worked! Jarl and I are in your debt, <Name>. Now the only remaining problem is my friend's taste in furniture, and I'm afraid that won't be solved as easily.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive:

75 Silver
1 Gold
1 Silver
40 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4400 experience