Catch the Wild Wolpertinger!

Goldark Snipehunter has asked you to capture 5 Stunned Wolpertingers using the Wolpertinger Net. He mentioned that you must be intoxicated or wearing Synthebrew Goggles to see them.

Here now. Ye hear that? There be sounds in them hills. Those're the wolpertingers! Wily beasts, they are, attracted by the smells o' Brewfest. I've a mind to catch me some, but I knocked me shin and can't outrun the buggers. Ye can help me, though! Take this net and cast it over the little blighters. Bring me a good five of 'em and I'll make it worth yer while! One more thing - ye gotta see through the eyes of a drunk to spot 'em! Load up on the booze or ask me fer some Synthebrew Goggles!

  • Required Level


  • Recommended Level


  • Difficulty



  • Type

    Holiday - Brewfest

  • Side


Were ya drunk enough to see the little buggers?

Well, lookee there! Ye've got yerself a right bushel o' wolpertingers, ye do! <He takes a deep drink from his tankard.> I'll tell ye what I'm gonna do. Since ye're such a spot-on <Class>, I'll let ye keep one'a these fer yer very own!


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