Kill Them All!

Deliver news of your mission along with the Dragonmaw Flare Gun to Arcanist Thelis at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley.

Commander <Name>, stand at attention! You are to take a battalion of Skybreakers and sack the Scryers' outpost located at the foot of the Netherwing Fields. With the Sanctum of the Stars destroyed, our lines of communication to our posts at Eclipse Point and Illidari Point will once more be open. Go now! Use this flare gun to signal the Skybreakers for the attack!



Settle down, child.

It is good that you came to us. Perhaps we can use this attack to our advantage and turn the tables on the Dragonmaw.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience
  • 250 reputation with Netherwing
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