The Relic's Emanation

Gain Apexis Emanations from an Apexis Relic.

Now that you have felt the enlightening vibrations of the apexis relics, it is time for you to further your understanding of their workings. We are very eager to benefit from your observations! As you progress in your ability to attune to the relics, you will gain a higher level of knowledge. This recognition will come in the form of an emanation from the relic. Return to us when you have attained such an emanation.



Do you have the emanation from the apexis relic about you?

You continue to amaze us with your acumen as concerns the relics. . May we suggest that you practice with the relics at least once a day to maintain such a sharp edge to your mental acuity?


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

3 Gold
40 Silver
3 Gold
97 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 950 experience
  • 350 reputation with Ogri'la