News of Victory

Return to Shadowmoon Village and speak with Overlord Or'barokh.

You must bring word of our success to Overlord Or'barokh immediately! Now that we've crushed the Legion and obliterated their presence in Shadowmoon Valley, the overlord can turn his attention to our other foes. Although the Kor'kron guard will never admit it, they'll be glad we're no longer fighting on two fronts.



<The overlord listens to your report.> Excellent news! Holding the line against the Legion's infernals was taking too many resources. Not that I expected my men to break, but they were greatly strained. You have proven your worth to the Horde this day. The Kor'kron guard would be honored to fight by your side anytime.


You will also receive:

4 Gold
40 Silver
5 Gold
36 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1600 experience