...and a Time for Action

Slay 10 Wyrmcult Hewers.

We will not stand idly by while they decimate the Ruuan Weald around us. Our first priority must be to the trees. <Class>, I want you to go back out into the Weald and deliver a very different message for us. I want you to slay every one of their hewers that you come into contact with! If they will not listen to reason, perhaps they will listen to a more assertive method of persuasion!



Have you protected the trees? Are the hewers cut down?

Thank you, <Name>. While we'll see to it that the wildlife will replenish itself in quick order, regrowing the trees, especially in a natural fashion, is a much more time-intensive process.


You will also receive:

3 Gold
70 Silver
4 Gold
39 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1150 experience
  • 250 reputation with Cenarion Expedition