The Fel and the Furious

Use a Fel Reaver Control Console to take control of a Fel Reaver Sentinel. Destroy 60 Deathforged Infernals before your fel reaver fails. When your mission is complete, report to Plexi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.

<Plexi leafs through the manual.> Well, this has everything we need, but there's just one problem. Fel Reavers aren't really built to respond to remote control. We can modify one for you to use for a short time, but you'll have to work fast, or there's no telling what might happen! I wouldn't be surprised if your little stunt with the fel reaver catches the attention of the Legion's lackeys, either. Keep an eye out, and whatever you do, don't forget to destroy as much as you can!

  • Required Level


  • Recommended Level


  • Difficulty



  • Start

  • End

  • Side




You're back, so I'll assume the operation went well. What've you got to report?

Amazing! You've managed to do what all the gryphonriders in Wildhammer Stronghold couldn't! You've broken the back of the Burning Legion's advance and spared us from annihilation at the hands of their infernals. You have our deepest gratitude for your service, <Name>.

You will receive:

4 Gold
10 Silver
5 Gold
3 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1550 experience