Setting Up the Bomb

Obtain a Fel Reaver Power Core and a Fel Reaver Armor Plate, then bring them to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village.

We can't allow the Legion to trample us on their march to Black Temple. Find a way to destroy the infernals they intend to use against us. That's not a request, <Name>; it's an order. The Fetid Pool near Legion Hold holds an old fel reaver power core you could use as the basis for a kind of fel bomb. Search the other wreckage near the fel reaver for a section of armor plating. You should be able to make a bomb powerful enough to take out those infernals and give the hold a nice shake!



<You hand the materials to Gulmok.>

That should do the trick. I wouldn't want to be in the hold when that thing goes off.

You will receive:

4 Gold
10 Silver
4 Gold
85 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience