Down the Scarlet Path

Take Brother Anton's Letter of Commendation to Raleigh the Devout in Southshore.

We of the Scarlet Crusade lay claim to strongholds from Hearthglen to Tirisfal Glades. We are quite proud of our bastions of cleansing throughout Lordaeron. You have proven yourself against the undead in Desolace. But the true threat of the plague lies in Lordaeron. Travel to the town of Southshore, in the Eastern Kingdoms. Seek out a crusader named Raleigh the Devout. Give him this letter of commendation bearing my seal and he will escort you to a place of honor in our Scarlet Monastery.



Who goes there? What do you want from me?

Brother Anton still spreads the word of the Scarlet Crusade? Oh my....


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2200 experience
  • 75 reputation with Stormwind