The Flesh Lies...

Use the Protectorate Igniter on 12 Withered Corpses. Return the Protectorate Igniter to Agent Araxes outside of Access Shaft Zeon when the task is complete.

You see these corpses, <Race>? Arconus is responsible for this slaughter. He's sucked them dry, leaving nothing more than a fleshy husk. But don't let the bodies fool you! Inside those corpses lie flesh beasts, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting fool that gets too close. I've got my orders. I must remain here until backup arrives. That doesn't mean that you can't take my igniter and destroy the withered corpses that litter the mines. One way or another, the mission must be completed.



Any luck in finding Ya-six?

You saved my wrappings, <Name>. The Protectorate will know of what you've done on this day, friend.



Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Consortium