Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu

Obtain the Coruu Access Crystal from Overseer Seylanna. Use it at the Coruu Control Console to shut down the manaforge and return to Caledis Brightdawn. Performing quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.

Thalodien told us of your success in disabling Manaforge B'naar. He expects a repeat performance here and asked us to keep an eye out for anyone using a crystal to access the console inside. Overseer Seylanna holds the access crystal, we're sure of it. Go back in there and finish the operation. No need to be stealthy anymore; get the crystal, begin the shutdown, kill the technicians trying to stop you and get out. Hurry, it won't be long before Kael's lapdogs sniff us out.



Have you completed your task yet, <Name>?

We heard all the commotion and were just about to leave. Glad to see you didn't take too bad of a beating.

You will receive:

4 Gold
10 Silver
4 Gold
85 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Scryers
Quest Item Drops

Overseer Seylanna

Coruu Access Crystal

