Dealing with the Overmaster

Slay Overmaster Grindgarr. Then return to Wind Trader Tuluman at Tuluman's Landing in the Netherstorm.

I used to be the foreman here. But now that I've been demoted, I've come to realize our pilgrimage from Quel'Thalas to Outland was all a lie. A lie perpetrated by Kael'thas to strengthen his forces here in the Netherstorm. I've tried to convince my brethren that we should leave, especially with the Burning Legion here, but they are all too stubborn. Do me a favor? Kill Overmaster Grindgarr. Then return to your ethereal and tell him that I am no longer his enemy.



What news do you bring from Manaforge Ara? Did you deal with Foreman Sundown?

A doomguard overmaster? That's odd! What's the Burning Legion doing in there? So, some of the blood elves are defecting. We'll keep that in mind if we ever attempt to take the place by force. At least there's some good news that has come from all of this, no? Please, <Name>, take this with my deepest gratitude.


You will also receive:

4 Gold
40 Silver
5 Gold
15 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Consortium