Information Gathering

Use the Sunfury Disguise, go into Manaforge Coruu and listen to the conversation between Commander Dawnforge and Arcanist Ardonis. Report back to Caledis Brightdawn at Manaforge Coruu after completing this task. Completing tasks for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.

I've prepared a uniform with the pieces you obtained. It is magically enhanced to complete the illusion. We spotted Commander Dawnforge going in to meet Arcanist Ardonis a few minutes ago. He had a full retinue of guards with him, so whatever they're discussing is bound to be incredibly important; see if you can catch any of it. Oh, I almost forgot. You'll want to stay away from the arcane golems patrolling the manaforge. They will see right through the illusion.



How goes the eavesdropping, <Name>? You'd best hurry. I'm getting antsy here.

Manaforge Duro is in trouble? I'm sure Thalodien will love to hear the news. Let's wrap up the job here first.



Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 900 experience
  • 150 reputation with The Scryers