A Convincing Disguise

Obtain a set of Sunfury Arcanist Robes, one pair of Sunfury Researcher Gloves and a Sunfury Guardsman Medallion and bring them to Caledis Brightdawn at Manaforge Coruu in Netherstorm. Completing quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.

Infiltrating the ranks of Kael's army will not be an easy task. With my knowledge of illusionary magic I could pass you off as one of Kael's followers, but there are certain details in their uniforms I could not replicate. Bring me a set of their robes, a pair of their gloves and a Sunfury guardsman medallion. This will make the results of my magic much more convincing.



Have you obtained the outfit pieces I asked of you?

Excellent! When I'm through with you, you will be able to slip among the Sunfury ranks unnoticed.

You will receive:

3 Gold
90 Silver
4 Gold
62 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1200 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Scryers
Quest Item Drops