The Path of Glory

Cleanse 8 Trampled Skeletons on the Path of Glory with Draenei Holy Water, then return to Warp-Scryer Kryv at Honor Hold.

The 'Path of Glory,' they called it. A road leading from the heart of their gruesome fortress to the Dark Portal, paved with the bones of my people. It wasn't enough for them to hunt us down like animals, destroy our cities, and torture those who survived. No, they had to use our bones as paving stones, denying my brethren a proper burial under the Light. Those tortured souls still wander these lands, crying out for release. I ask you, <Name>, help me in this undertaking.



The cries seem somehow... fainter than they were before. The Light grant it's more than wishful thinking.

You have my sincere thanks for your efforts, <Name>. Though much remains to be done, it gladdens me to know we have helped some find their long-deserved rest.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4875 experience
  • 250 reputation with Exodar
The Path of GloryThe Temple of Telhamat