Total deaths to Lich King 10-player raid bosses
Total deaths to Lich King 10-player raid bosses
- Anub'Rekhan
- Gluth
- Gothik the Harvester
- Grand Widow Faerlina
- Grobbulus
- Heigan the Unclean
- Instructor Razuvious
- Loatheb
- Maexxna
- Noth the Plaguebringer
- Patchwerk
- Thaddius
- Sapphiron
- Kel'Thuzad
- Lady Blaymeux
- Baron Rivendare
- Sir Zeliek
- Thane Korth'azz
- Sartharion
- Malygos
- Archavon the Stone Watcher
- Flame Leviathan
- Razorscale
- Ignis the Furnace Master
- Auriaya
- XT-002 Deconstructor
- Steelbreaker
- Runemaster Molgeim
- Stormcaller Brundir
- Kologarn
- Hodir
- Thorim
- Freya
- Mimiron
- General Vezax
- Yogg-Saron
- Algalon the Observer
- Emalon the Storm Watcher
- Koralon the Flame Watcher
- Toravon the Ice Watcher
- Onyxia
- Icehowl
- Lord Jaraxxus
- Eydis Darkbane
- Fjola Lightbane
- Anub'arak
- Lord Marrowgar
- Lady Deathwhisper
- Deathbringer Saurfang
- Festergut
- Rotface
- Professor Putricide
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Sindragosa
- The Lich King