Champion of the Frozen Wastes
Defeat the dungeon and raid bosses listed below.
- Heroic: Ingvar the Plunderer
- Heroic: Keristrasza
- Heroic: Anub'arak
- Heroic: Herald Volazj
Heroic: The Prophet Tharon'ja
- Heroic: Cyanigosa
- Heroic: Gal'darah
- Heroic: Sjonnir the Ironshaper
- Heroic: Loken
- Heroic: Ley-Guardian Eregos
- Heroic: King Ymiron
Heroic: Mal'Ganis
- Kel'Thuzad (10 or 25 player)
- Sartharion the Onyx Guardian (10 or 25 player)
- Malygos (10 or 25 player)