Gadgetzan Water Survey

Use the untapped dowsing widget near the pool of water by Sandsorrow Watch. Once you have collected the sample, return the tapped dowsing widget to Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser in Gadgetzan.

We've got a position open for a temporary junior-grade surveyor in the Gadgetzan Water Company, if you're interested!$B$BWith the nomads seizing all our wells, we need to exploit more free sources of water! There is water to be had in the desert, but only to those smart enough to survey them first.$B$BTake this dowsing widget and tap a sample of the water by the pool near Sandsorrow Watch. It's right in sight of the trolls around there. Bring the tapped widget back to me when you're done!



Welcome back, Junior Surveyor $n! Have you completed your assignment yet?

What's this? You were ambushed by some sort of bad mojo creepy-crawly? Oh, this does not bode well for the Gadgetzan Water Company, no indeed...$B$BI guess I should have told you about the reports coming in on some crazy bug-creatures that appear to be sucking up all the water in the desert. At first, I thought it was just a crock. We have enough trouble with the nomads as is; I thought it was just more of their shenanigans. Well, now we know at least!

You will receive:

35 Silver
60 Silver
80 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4300 experience
  • 150 reputation with Gadgetzan