The Totem of Kar'dash

Escort the Kurenai Captive out of Sunspring Post. Speak to Arechron at Telaar if you succeed.

I would have been killed had you not come along, stranger. They have already murdered so many Kurenai in their search for a lost relic.$B$BWhat they seek is the totem of Kar'dash. Why they think that we would know anything about this totem, I cannot understand. Is a totem not an orcish implement by nature?$B$BThis information must be taken back to Arechron. Perhaps he knows why Murkblood are kidnapping Kurenai and torturing them for information regarding an orcish device.$B$BLet's go before more come.



Yes, I know of the totem... but there is much more to this story. Alas, I lack the authority to reveal this information to you. Only the chosen may be privy to such knowledge.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 14600 experience
  • 700 reputation with Kurenai