Solving the Problem

Poli'lukluk the Wiser at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to kill 20 Murkblood Scavengers and 10 Murkblood Raiders.

The appearance of the Murkblood in Nagrand has had a profound negative impact on our environment. The elementals are all in flux which has, in turn, greatly disturbed the wildlife. Worse yet, the razing of Sunspring Post has reignited the hatred that the orcs held for our people.$B$BWhile the Kurenai are a different tribe than the Murkblood, all an orc sees is Broken.$B$BWe must make an effort to solve this dilemma. Travel to Sunspring Post, northwest of here, and resolve the Murkblood problem.



Murkblood are a nefarious tribe of Broken, $N. They may look like Kurenai but they are most assuredly savage, murdering beasts.

It is doubtful that the orcs will understand or appreciate what you just did but Nagrand is better off for the deed. Thank you, problem solver...


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11650 experience
  • 500 reputation with Kurenai