Clefthoof Mastery

Kill 30 Clefthoof Bulls and then speak to Hemet Nesingwary at Nesingwary's Safari in Nagrand about your prowess.

You've proved to me that you can find and take down a regular clefthoof, but far more dangerous are the clefthoof bulls.$B$BBag yourself thirty of those. Then you can talk to me of your hunting prowess.$B$BLook for them all along the middle region of Nagrand to the west and south.



You think the clefthoof bulls are just going to fall dead at your feet here in front of the campfire?

Impressive. Most impressive.$B$BYou've got potential, kid. Now I'm going to give you the chance to have some real fun!

You will receive:

3 Gold
70 Silver
10 Gold
69 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11650 experience