No Time for Curiosity

Deliver Timothy's Letter to Kialon at Sylvanaar in the Blade's Edge Mountains.

$N, I have a favor to ask of you. Normally, I would do this myself, but my hands are already beyond full.$B$BI have an associate named Kialon at Sylvanaar in the Blade's Edge Mountains to the north. He's expecting to hear from me in the near future, although I suspect he won't like what I have to say.$B$BIf you would deliver my response to him, you would have my gratitude. I must insist, and this is very important, that you not attempt to read the letter. It is for Kialon's eyes alone.



$B$BI don't know you, $R. Do you have business with me?

So you've brought Timothy's response?$B$B$B$BHe's got everything under control, he says. Doesn't need help, he says. I could've predicted that!$B$BSome people never change. Look, he even took the time to correct my spelling.$B$B$B$BI shouldn't have sent the letter. I forgot. The specialist always has the situation under control. Always.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2700 experience