No More Mushrooms!
Gather 8 Eel Filets from Umbrafen Eels and bring them to Magasha at Swamprat Post.
Mushroom soup, mushroom stew, mushroom sauce!$B$BMushroom, mushroom, mushroom! It's all there is to eat around here. If you say you're hungry, the cook hands you an axe and tells you to go chop down your dinner!$B$BWell, I'm tired of mushrooms. I've seen fish in the lakes around here. Sure, they look like a nasty piece of work, but they've got to be better than mushrooms!$B$BHow much will it cost me to hire you to bring me my first decent meal in weeks?
Tell me you haven't come back empty-handed, $N.
Finally, a break from the monotony of mushrooms! If you didn't smell like fish, I'd hug you.$B$BLet's see how jealous the others get when they smell the meat cooking over the fire.
You will receive: 2 3 17
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 9750 experience
- 250 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
Quest Item Drops