A Warm Welcome

Warden Hamoot at the Cenarion Refuge wants you to bring him 30 Naga Claws.

While the druids from the expedition have made themselves busy studying plants and researching the lakes, I've made it my business to deal with the hostiles in the area.$B$BEver since we set foot in Zangarmarsh, the naga have launched lethal attacks against us without warning. We've done our best to keep them at bay, but our resources are limited.$B$BI want you to go to the various naga strongholds in Zangarmarsh and show them that we're not to be crossed. Bring me their claws as proof of your victories.



It's good to see you again, $N. How's your hunt for the naga going?

Good job, $N. You'd do well to shed any feelings of remorse you might harbor. These naga are vicious creatures - even more so than the Azerothian ones.


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

3 Gold
10 Silver
9 Gold
52 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 13375 experience
  • 350 reputation with Cenarion Expedition
Quest Item Drops