Coming of Age

Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch has asked that you deliver the Exarch's Orders to Torallius the Pack Handler, standing outside of the Exodar.

You have survived the wilds of our new home and shown yourself a cut above the others. I believe that you have come of age to assist those battling on the front lines of Bloodmyst. The Hand of Argus could use a *race* like you.
Report to Torallius the Pack Handler. You will find him outside the Exodar, tending to the elekk. Give him these orders so that he may direct you towards your new duties on Bloodmyst.




This is the best we can offer the Hand of Argus?


Alright, let me have a look at those orders.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 100 experience
  • 10 reputation with Exodar
Coming of AgeElekks Are Serious BusinessAlien Predators