Cookie's Jumbo Gumbo

"Cookie" McWeaksauce at the Odesyus' Landing wants you to bring him 6 Skittering Crawler Meat.

The Admiral be right, ye are a resourceful one. Mayhap ye could help Cookie out?$B$BIf I serve the crew chicken for dinner again, I'll be sent to the brig fer sure.$B$BI noticed that thar be crawlers all along the coastline - lots o' crawlers! Bring me crawler meats and I'll be forever indebted to ya.$B$BHelp a reformed pirate out?



Arrr... Yarr... Shiver me timbers... Er. sorry lass, I gotta practice me pirate lest I forget it...

Bless yer heart. stranger. This'll go a long ways in liftin' the morale o' the crew.


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 450 experience
  • 150 reputation with Stormwind
  • 150 reputation with Exodar
Quest Item Drops