Pride of the Fel Horde

Field Commander Romus at Honor Hold wants you to kill 8 Shattered Hand Legionnaires, 4 Shattered Hand Centurions, and 4 Shattered Hand Champions.

We know precious little about the Fel Horde presence in Hellfire Citadel and our information has come at the cost of many lives.$B$BFel Horde troops under the command of Kargath Bladefist are a brutal, battle-hardened lot fortified by foul magics. The elite of this force, the Shattered Hand legionnaires, champions, and centurions are feared by the regulars and serve as an officer corps.$B$BTargeting and eliminating them is a necessary first step in any successful assault on the Fel Horde's leadership.



I am not so naive as to think that the defeat of the Shattered Hand legionnaires heralds our victory over the Fel Horde, but is a good first step.

That is excellent news, indeed, $N. With progress to report from Hellfire Citadel, perhaps we can afford to turn our attention to the Fel Horde presence other parts of the peninsula and Outland as a whole.

You will receive:

4 Gold
40 Silver
11 Gold
99 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12650 experience
  • 250 reputation with Honor Hold