A Dip in the Moonwell

Use the Robotron Control while standing near the Concealed Command Console hidden in a small cluster of bushes on the rim of the needle closest to Thalanaar to take command of a Robotron 3000. Pilot the robot to the western edge of Thousand Needles where the Alliance outpost of Thalanaar is located. Use the robot to collect a sample of the moonwell's water and return it to Wizlo Bearingshiner at Whitereach Post.

Stop looking at me like that! I didn't say I was going to send you to Thalanaar's moonwell out in the open with dipper and a flask!$B$BI've been, err... tinkering with a product I was transporting for a client. In fact, I've already set up a portable control console for the Robotron out near Thalanaar. You'll need to bring this control unit with you and use it in the vicinity of my concealed console.$B$BIf my client ever heard that I so much as removed Robotron from its packaging, he'd hang me by my ears!



Did it do the job?

That worked better than I expected! Chalk up another one for good old goblin ingenuity!$B$BThe only problem is that it's hopelessly covered in dust! It's going to take me forever to get this thing cleaned up and replaced in its crate.$B$BOf course, time is the one thing I have in ample supply.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2300 experience
  • 150 reputation with Thunder Bluff