A Better Ingredient

Retrieve a Putrid Vine from the guardian at the bottom of the Sunken Temple and return to Torwa Pathfinder.

It is as I feared -- the toxin is simply too weak for such a powerful creature.$b$bIf we are to create a toxin of high enough potency, you must venture to the bottom of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, unlock the secrets of the altar and recover a putrid vine from the guardian there. The temple is dangerous, and it would behoove you to bring friends.$b$bReturn to me when this is done.


Have you recovered the vine?

At last, the toxin can be created in full. I dare not require you to inflict it upon the creature again, as I have asked too much already.$B$BYou have my thanks and respect. May you be well in your travels, $N.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11000 experience
Quest Item Drops


Putrid Vine

