The Alliance Needs Stranglekelp!

Bring 20 Stranglekelp to Private Draxlegauge at the Military Ward in Ironforge.

So, $c, did I already tell you about all of the fabulous uses stranglekelp has? I did? Oh well... in any case we need a lot of it, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT! Do you think that you could help us out? I know that it means going without all of those wonderful things that you can make with it, but it's for a good cause!


It's not true! I'd never skim any stranglekelp off the top of the stacks here. One might be tempted to though considering that it's practically a panacea of utilitarian usefulness. *cough* You don't happen to have that stranglekelp we discussed earlier?

Hooray! That's another twenty down. You're the best. I suppose that I should get these all packed away before they wither. So much stranglekelp, so little time!$B$BThanks again, $C!



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