Concerted Efforts

Bring 1 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor, 1 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor, 1 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor and 1 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General in any Alliance Capital City or Shattrath.

We're not fighting isolated battles against the Horde anymore, $g lad:lass;.$B$BVictory in one front means denying the Horde resources they'd use against us in a different battle. By the same token, losing any given battle could give the advantage to our opponent somewhere else around the world.$B$BThe Alliance is in need of more combatants with this sort of worldly understanding... truly seasoned veterans! $N, come back to me after you've served against the Horde at all of our active battlegrounds.


How are yer travels faring laddie?

You're not one to disappoint, $N! What you've learned goes beyond petty medals and commendations. What you've learned is what can only come with experience and the hardening of one's temper in the field of battle.$B$BYou've done well, $C. You're a true hero of the Alliance!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 8300 experience