A Rogue's Deal

Deliver the Nondescript Letter to Innkeeper Renee in Tirisfal Glades.

Hey, mate! Do a favor for a young man who's been fighting more than his fair share of mindless zombies and spiders?$B$BI got this here letter that needs to go to Brill... to an innkeeper named Renee something-or-other. Don't really matter none what her last name is.$B$BAnyway, it's a nice cozy little place full of victims of the plague trying to make their way in the world. And it be a great spot for you to rest too if the need arises. You should check it out... you do and I'll pay you well.


Yes? Yes? What is it?$B$BThe forsaken; they certainly do have huge appetites. Make yourself at home... yes, rest those weary bones. My name's Renee if you need anything at all.

Oh? A letter? Wonderful news! I've been waiting on word from my dear old mother in Deathknell. Such a saint, she is. I wonder how she's holding up.$B$BWhat? Too cheery? Not buying it, are you?$B$BWell, get lost then... it's really no business who the letter's from anyway. Go on! Get lost!$B$BCome back when you've got some coin to spend... loafer.$B$BNext thing you know, you'll be coming back to rest after a long days adventure or some stupid thing like that.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 100 experience
  • 25 reputation with Undercity