Seed of Life

Seek out Remulos in Moonglade and give him the Seed of Life.

The misbegotten centaur--my sons and daughters--have need of their father.$B$BLook around you--this place rings of hope and all that my father Cenarius preaches. It sprung from me! And I cannot take that away from them... not even for their crimes against me.$B$BBut there is one thing I would ask of you to ease my brother's mind. Take this... it is the first seed that fell from the life my remains nourished. Tell him my spirit remains here, and that I live on. I am sure he will understand.



You have the scent of corruption on you, $N... much like many adventurers these days. But something about you is different. Is there something you've come to speak to me about? You have an aura about you that seems familiar, but I cannot place it.$B$BPlease, I implore you, tell me why you've sought an audience with me.

So my brother has finally found peace? I am proud to have lived to see this day. In all his arrogance and anger, I truly thought he was lost to us, but this... this symbol of his sacrifice only proves that he is not lost--he has only been reborn. He takes his place in nature as was his duty.$B$BThank you, $N. By bringing this to me, you have secured a small amount of hope that I thought I had once lost. This seed will be important to the people of this war-torn land some day... I can sense it.

You will receive:

1 Gold
50 Silver
2 Gold
13 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 10500 experience
  • 1000 reputation with Cenarion Circle