Agmond's Fate

Bring 4 Carved Stone Urns to Prospector Ironband in Loch Modan.

The last report I received from Agmond is troubling, more so now that he's dead! He mentioned that his diggers uncovered "ancient urns" at the dig site outside Uldaman. I fear that the urns he found at that site incited the troggs, just as did the idols I found here.$B$BI need you to get those urns for our studies. Go to the Uldaman site, gather the urns, then return to me.


Did you find those urns, $N? We must find the link between them and the troggs!

Well done! With luck and diligence, we will find whatever link exists between the troggs and these ancient artifacts.$B$BYou have done a great deed for the Prospectors, $N. Your efforts will not be forgotten. And neither will Agmond.


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3900 experience
  • 250 reputation with Ironforge