Poisoned Water

Use the Aspect of Neptulon on poisoned elementals of Eastern Plaguelands. Bring 12 Discordant Bracers and the Aspect of Neptulon to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.

A force of elemental scouts was sent to the eastern plaguelands of Lordaeron, and the disease of that place twisted and infected them. The Waterlords cannot allow this affront to our purity!$B$BTake this vial. In it is a quantity of one aspect of Neptulon. If used on the plagued elementals it will fight the poison within their bodies and cure them! But their inner conflict will drive them into a surging madness.$B$BDefeat the discordant surges and bring me their bracers of binding.



Do you have the bracers?

You have done well, $C. The corrupted elementals you cured were an outrage to all bodies of water. Our strength lies in our purity and if we are to win our war with the others, we must remain strong.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6250 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
  • 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
  • 250 reputation with Thunder Bluff
  • 250 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
  • 250 reputation with Silvermoon City
Quest Item Drops

Discordant Surge

Discordant Bracers

54 - 58
